
Opening and expanding people’s possibilities

The Two Questions

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I saw the movie The Bucket List the other day (starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson). There’s a part in the movie in which the two characters find themselves atop a pyramid in Egypt. Morgan Freeman, who is extremely erudite, tells Jack Nicholson that the Egyptians believed that when you die, before you can enter the afterlife, you are asked two questions:

1. Have you found joy in your life?
2. Has your life brought joy to others?

I have no idea whether these questions are accurate in terms of Egyptian beliefs, but they spoke to me. How would you answer them right now? And if you aren’t happy with your answers, what will you do to change your life so that you can have a better answer in the future? I have created a new seminar that will speak to these questions in what I think is a powerful way. It’s called The Possibilities Process. It will be held for the first time this summer in New Mexico and is limited to only 10 participants.

Visit:  http://www.billohanlon.com/events/intensives/transformational/intensive.html

Written by Bill O'Hanlon

March 9, 2008 at 3:03 am

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  1. I love those two questions! And this sounds like a movie everyone should see. Of course, I believe that a natural result of living a life which brings joy to others is receiving joy yourself. I am very blessed to be in the business of sharing life-changing products which awaken individuals to the limitless possibilities in their lives and provide tools to discover their purpose, passion and develop personal growth and prosperity. Your new seminar sounds like it will provide a valuable service to the participants!

    Gwen Nolan

    August 4, 2008 at 1:48 am

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