
Opening and expanding people’s possibilities

The joy of publishing and passive income from books

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When I began writing books, I was just passionate about making a contribution to others and the world. And I was clueless about writing and publishing. BUt I was persistent and I stumbled around until I figured it all out.

For years, book royalties have been a good source of passive income for me, an bonus I wasn’t really thinking about when I started. I have written 29 books (my next one, A Guide to Trance-Land comes out from W.W. Norton next year) and it is so cool to get checks every six months from my publishers. I never know how much they will be for, since sales are variable, and I never count on this money as income, so it is always a pleasant surprise.

I’ve discovered that most people are a bit stymied by the writing and especially by the publishing process, so I have created an online Book Writing and Publishing Course. The course tells you where to start (never write your non-fiction book before you sell it; but always write much, if not all, of your fiction book before you sell it), how to get yourself to write (Did you know you could write a book in five-minute chunks and it would take you less than a year to get it done?), how to get an agent (I’ll tell you how I got one in one day!), and how to make it likely your book will sell to a publisher and to readers.

You can take the Book Writing and Publishing Course at your own rate and pace, when it convenient, from anywhere you have online access. I wish I had had this course when I started. I would have made many thousands more dollars, had even more books published and written, and avoided myself costly errors. It’s a bit like having a friend in the publishing industry.

If you want to see a book with your name on it and want to set up ongoing sources of passive and residual income, visit:

Written by Bill O'Hanlon

August 5, 2008 at 11:40 pm

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